Pós-Laboratórios de Verão at Vila do Conde
Joana Hintze unveils new art installation in Vila do Conde
João Gabriel unveils new works in Vila do Conde
Pós-Laboratórios de Verão at Guimarães
Pós-Laboratórios de Verão at Braga
Ana Vaz: the art of the (in)visible
Open Air Cinema at Solar in August
Morgan Quaintance's Masterclass at Curtas
Morgan Quaintance and the Cinema as a way to cheat death
Morgan Quaintance on the guided tour of ‘Efforts of Nature IV’
Morgan Quaintance's film program begins at Curtas
Morgan Quaintance at Solar in July
"An Animated Dive" workshop at the closing of ANIMar 19
The 2nd ReCriarte took place at Solar courtyard
Closing of the ANIMar 19's exhibition
The winners of the Laboratórios de Verão 2024 projects have now been announced
April Conversations during the month of May
ANIMar 19 Opening Exhibition
ANIMar 19's Opening Session at Vila do Conde's Municipal Theatre
Laboratórios de Verão 2024: open call
Tiago Bartolomeu Costa on a guided tour at ANIMar 19
ANIMar 19: film screenings around Cinema and Sea
'Titina' at the opening session at ANIMar 19
The 19th edition of ANIMar is aproaching!
'ANIMAL', by Fá Maria, presented at CAVE
'Do we ever truly arrive?', by Isadora Neves Marques, will be featured in December at Solar
'Beneath Stone and Image' of Younes Ben Slimane
Ana Elena Tejera: between cinema and performance, archive films and installation
Open-air Cinema at Solar
Guided tour and masterclass with Deborah Stratman
Deborah Stratman at Solar in July
'Nayola', by José Miguel Ribeiro, will be presented at the closing session of ANIMAR 18
ANIMAR 18: visits & workshops at Solar and schools
'My Grandfather’s Demons' at the opening session of ANIMAR 18
Solar at the Portuguese Network of Contemporary Art
'Meteoros', by Mariana Vilanova, presented at CAVE
The new languages of Igor Jesus in 'Ponto-Zero', at Solar in December
'Sob o Signo do Pneu' and 'Eu Neandertal' with extended date
Solar integrates the Portugal Contemporary Art Guide
'First Impressions of a Landscape' at ZDB
180 ID I Interview with Marie Losier
Exposição de Marie Losier integra 30 anos do Curtas
Solar - Galeria de Arte Cinemática is part of RPAC - Portuguese Network of Contemporary Art
Rua do Lidador, 139
4480-791 Vila do Conde
Monday to Saturday
2:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Closed on Sunday
Gallery: solar@curtas.pt
Educational Service: s.educativo@curtas.pt
Press: press@curtas.pt
Office: 252 646 516
Curtas Store: 252 138 191