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11.05.2024 5 pm

SEMPRE, histórias de liberdade

ANIMar 19

April Conversations


ANIMar 19 - April Conversations - ALWAYS, freedom tales
SEMPRE, histórias de liberdade © Noites Claras Associação Cultural

SAT, MAI 11 • 5pm • Solar — Cinematic Art Gallery

The images from the 1st of May 1974 in Vila do Conde show the massive turnout to celebrate democratic freedom, in the first moment of public and free demonstration a few days after the 25th of April. This is the starting point for SEMPRE, histórias de liberdade (ALWAYS, freedom tales), which proposes a multidisciplinary collective project evocative of the times of April, based on the exploration of archives and personal collections gathered from those who lived through the revolution in Vila do Conde. From these testimonies, stories, images, and sounds collected in the first person, new narratives, reconstructions, and contemporary visions of this past are drawn up, promoting new reflections, new constructions on democracy, citizenship, and freedom. SEMPRE will be, above all, a celebration, which simultaneously seeks to project a future, to pass on the baton, calling on everyone to take part.

The SEMPRE project – which has its first performance on May 1st at 9.30 pm at the Vila do Conde Municipal Market – results from an initiative by the Cultural Association - Noites Claras, in partnership with Vila do Conde Town Council.

SAT · MAY 11 · 5 pm

SEMPRE, histórias de liberdade

Rethinking History

Margarida Ribeiro, Mafalda Martins, Tânia Dinis and Mariana Sardon + Guilhermina Costa and Isabel Barca

Solar - Cinematic Art Gallery

[Loja das Curtas Bookstore]




Free Entrance


90 minutes


Limited to existing seats
Câmara Municipal de Vila do Conde
RP Cultura

Solar - Galeria de Arte Cinemática is part of RPAC - Portuguese Network of Contemporary Art

Cor de Fundo do Site

Rua do Lidador, 139

4480-791 Vila do Conde

Rua do Lidador, 139

4480-791 Vila do Conde


Monday to Saturday

2:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Closed on Sunday

Monday to Saturday

2:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Closed on Sunday


Gallery: solar@curtas.pt

Educational Service: s.educativo@curtas.pt

Press: press@curtas.pt

Office: 252 646 516

Curtas Store: 252 138 191

Gallery: solar@curtas.pt

Educational Service: s.educativo@curtas.pt

Press: press@curtas.pt

Office: 252 646 516

Curtas Store: 252 138 191

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